Sunday, December 27, 2009
Up & coming....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
What else is there???
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I miss Texas....
Okay, so I miss Texas...weird! I think I miss the shuttle & the ease of going to the doctor, I miss the "queen" treatment, I miss the doctor & her team, & I miss the ono filipino food on the weekends at Aunty Sylvia's. I don't miss being hospitalized, I don't miss missing my husband, & I don't miss the crazy drivers.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Home Sweet Home...

We are finally home!!! We arrived to Honolulu on November 6 at about 10 pm. We had a long flight with 2 layovers in between & I think altogether we spent an entire 15 hours traveling...but it didn’t really matter, as long as we were coming home. I’d like to thank all of you for your continued support, prayers, & goodies we received while we were on our journey in Texas.
The doctors in Texas are wonderful & extraordinary! I definitely will miss the “queen” treatment I received while there. Until you go, you will never know just how many people around the world that are affected by this disease. It is shocking, but somewhat comforting to know that I am not alone. And thanks to Kanoe’s outgoing personality, we have met many people that have touched our lives.
Anyway, I receive my first chemo treatment in Hawaii on November 16 at my doctor’s office. I am praying that everything goes as smoothly as it did in Texas. My doctor is smart though, so I’m sure there is nothing to worry about.
Ten things that I learned from my trip: 1) just when you think your situation is bad, God introduces you to someone who’s situation is worse, 2) just when you think you can’t take it any more, God picks you up & moves you forward, 3) there IS power in prayer, 4) patience, 5) I AM a lot like my mother, 6) my daughter IS extremely creative, smart, & talented, 7) my husband DOES love me, 8) there is more to life than just work, 9) despite the baldness, I am still beautiful, & lastly...10) there are so many wonderful people in this world.
So, yes...we are finally home & I am finally “back!” I feel really good, strong, confident, & full of life. This cancer doesn’t know who he’s messing with, but I guarantee he will regret messing with me! Thank you all again for your prayers & support.
Friday, October 30, 2009
CT Scans are not fun!!!
Okay, bitching aside, my test results came back with positive results. According to the doctor, there is no new growth. Which means that the chemo treatment is keeping the cancer at bay - YAY!!! And then, we were given the news we have been waiting so long to hear, the green light to go home - YAY!!! So, goodbye was definitely a journey & well worth it, but get me the heck outta here & back to paradise where I belong.
So, yes...I'm going home! After a long two months. I'm going to continue my chemo treatments in Hawaii though, & I'll have another check up in another nine weeks. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers & support. You cannot imagine how much it's meant to me to know how many of you are praying for me & my family. The power of prayer - you just gotta believe.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Halfway to losing my mind...
It wasn't fun at all, but as soon as it passed I was able to eat. Thank God!
Anyway, we've been here about a month & a half so far...& I am really looking forward to this week. Let's see, on Wednesday I have a bone scan, CT scan, & ultrasound scheduled with the results read the next day. This will determine when we'll be able to go home. I'm excited...cause I miss home, I miss my husband, I miss my own bed, I miss everything there is to miss about Hawaii. It's lonely & boring here in Texas especially when you rely on the hotel shuttle to take you places & the most exciting place it can take you is to Super Target. Thank God for weekends & thank God for my Aunty Sylvia & Uncle Greg. We spend our weekends at their house in Katy. Aunty takes us to the mall, to the grocery store, anywhere we want to go...& we're not confined to our hotel room.
H1N1 is a huge deal here & the hospital I go to just announced that they are not allowing children under the age of 12 on the premises. Which means that Kanoe can no longer come with me when I have doctor's appointments. I hope that this flu thing passes quickly. I just want to be able to go home & let Kanoe get her flu shots from her regular doctor. Here in Texas, we don't have a pediatrician & we have no way of getting around & I'm not familiar with what's nearby, so it would be hard for me to get a doctor for Kanoe. Anyone have any suggestions?
Monday, September 7, 2009
No More Fog...
My next round of chemo is on the 1st. We're hoping that after this round, the doctor will be able to reassess me & tell us that the chemo is killing the cancer. when that happens, then we can coordinate with the Hawaii doctors so we can come home & I can receive treatment there. I miss home, I miss my husband, I miss Hawaii.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Houston can you hear me?
Anyway, so I didn't get to finish the last blog cause I was just so irked from traveling. Today is no different. Woke up so darn early again so that we could catch a ride from my mom's friend to the hospital. Had some breakfast and then realized that I needed to no t eat anything for the test that they were administering to me that morning. I had a chest/abdomen/pelvis CT scan & later I had an ultrasound on the one I had removed.
Today I was a bit emotional, partly due to the pain in my arm. Gee, I'm hoping that someone on either end will find me a doctor that will prescribe me a sleeve. I don't know how much more I can take this pain, swelling, or the inability to do this blog thing with one normal hand & one "swollen" one.
Anyway, time for bed. I have a new mini net book, so mini that it's taking me so long to write this stupid sentence!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Doctor's appointments - Boy am I sick of them!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
A list of things that I am thankful for...
Thanks to all you PACSUNers out there!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Zometa Sucks & other Updates...
I'm fed up! Help me Lord!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
There's a new "kid" in town...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Stepping into the light...
Encounter Part 2
Friday, July 24, 2009
Jesus shops at Wal-Mart
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
As the music played while they prayed, I could feel His presence come upon a down comforter, so warm, so soft, so "comforting." I immediately began to cry when I saw Him, thinking of all the things I have done in my life to disappoint Him. He took me in His arms, like a father does to a baby, & held me, cradled me, stroked my hair, & told me that everything was going to be okay. I stopped crying & saw that he was reaching into my armpit & pulling out this purple ribbon. The purple ribbon was the cancer & He was pulling it out from my body & throwing it up into the sky...the sky then became dark & soon the wind blew & blew it all away. I then saw a brightness that just cannot be explained & he was pouring that brightness into me. Filling me up & overflowing me with His love. I heard singing & looked up & saw that the angels were singing & dancing. They were the most beautiful beings I've ever seen & the songs were heavenly. Then almost like looking into a mirror, He stood in front of me & every breath I took, He took as well. I then looked down & I saw myself, He opened up my brain - which somehow looked like a bookshelf - & started rearranging things. At first I didn't understand what He was doing, but seconds later I heard Cathy ask Him to please help me to understand Him more so that I can continue to do His will & to change my frame of mind to be more like His own. Ahhh, so now I understood! Then, Cathy asked me if Jesus wanted me to go back home & I said yes & as I said that I could feel Him placing me back down gently, like a baby being put down for a nap. I awoke with a smile on my face & a testimony to share. Jesus has promised to heal me from this cancer. He has told me that He has a lot of work for me to do. And that this is only the beginning...that there is much more in store for me. I believe that I am healed, miracles do happen to those who believe, & with Jesus on my side, nothing is impossible. I hope that this entry has touched your heart & that God blesses you as well.
Monday, July 20, 2009
PET scan results...hmmm...okay, I'd be lying if I told you that I wasn't anxious or nervous. I just wanna know already though, you know, so that I can continue to move forward...Well, looks like my time is up & now I really have to go to get ready for PT. I'll blog again once I find out my results. Thinking positive & hoping for the best!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My Mastectomy
Friday, July 17, 2009
Radiation Sucks!
Things I wish I knew beforehand...
1. Choose your doctor carefully. Treat the first appointment like an interview. Remember that the doctor is supposed to partner with you on everything. You are paying him/her to help you with your health. If you don't feel comfortable or you feel that you or not a top priority, then you need to keep looking. Ask both your primary care practitioner as well as your ob/gyn for any suggestions.
2. Keep good records of all your doctor's appointments & try to bring someone with you if possible so that they can help you record anything that the doctor says. Also keep good records of any medications that you are currently taking - they will ask this each & every time you visit your doctor. I've started to use a At-A-Glance QuickNotes Datebook to record anything & everything. It helps keep me & my appointments organized.
3. If you feel you need physician assistance at any time, do not hesitate to call your doctor. They are always reachable. Doctors carry around cell phones & pagers for a reason.
4. While at the doctor's office, do not feel like you are limited to a certain amount of time. The doctor should take the time to answer any questions that you may have. If you are feeling rushed, then you need to look for another doctor.
5. Although radiation may seem easier than chemo, it's actually tougher on your skin & sometimes creates so much scar tissue that you lose your range of motion. Also, the side effects of radiation are sometimes delayed. You may not feel a tightness from the scar tissue radiation creates until after some time has elapsed (sometimes as long as 3 months after treatment). So during radiation, continue to do exercises that help with your range of motion. I currently do not have my full range of motion in my left arm & I'm seeing a physical therapist at least twice a week. It's so painful stretching out the bundled up nerves & skin that I usually take a couple of Motrin to get me thru the session. Also, try to do your exercises at home no matter how difficult or painful they are.
6. I continued to work while I went thru treatment. But, at times, I did push myself to my limit. Don't be like me...take a break when necessary & take a day off when you need it. It'll help your body to heal faster if you're able to rest.
7. Don't ever second guess your gut know your body best. If you feel like somethings not right, check it out asap.
8. Eat healthy & don't skip meals, even if you don't have the time. Always carry around something small in your purse - like a granola bar. You can't heal your body if it's not fueled properly. If you can't eat or taste because of the chemo, I suggest Ensure, the chocolate's like a chocolate milkshake, but better for you.
9. Learn that you can't do this all on your own & it's okay to ask for help. This doesn't make you look weak, but smart. Remember, you are not a superhero!
10. Keep thinking positive & smile a lot even when you don't feel like smiling. It's funny, I didn't realize how grouchy I've been until I really asked the people around me. I thought I was being positive, but they saw it otherwise. Don't get me wrong, it's okay to have a bad day or two, but don't ever let that get in the way of what really makes you feel positive. Remember, what you put out into the universe will come back to you twofold, so be careful (The Secret).
The Beginning...
My name is Sharla. I am 36 years old, a mother of a 3 year old, a loving wife of 6 years, & a cancer fighter. Last year, the day after Mother's Day, I was diagnosed with breast cancer - stage 3c to be exact. I was devastated when I received the news! I didn't understand how I could possibly have cancer when there was no history of it in my family. I was angry! What did I do to deserve this? I am too young! Just when it seemed like everything in my life was falling into place, it took a wrong turn.
I was tested for the BRCA gene which came back negative, had surgery in June 08 to remove my lump & lymph nodes (33 of them were removed, 17 were infected) & later found out in Aug 08 that I still had positive margins. I had 2 options - a mastectomy or start treatment asap. At the time, I was so concerned about saving the breast, so I opted to start treatment. I was also worried that if we waited any longer, the cancer would spread. So, we began chemo treatment on September 26, 2008. Chemo was every other Friday for a total of 4 months, 8 cycles & was supposed to end January 2, 2009. Well, chemo actually ended on April 10, 2009 because life doesn't always go as you plan it...about a week after the 4th chemo treatment, I came down with a fever & was told to take myself to the emergency room. The doctors at the ER didn't know what was wrong with me & thought that I had caught some kind of virus & put me on antibiotics. A couple of days later, my mom noticed that I looked a bit yellow & we later found out that due to my weakened immune system, I had a hepatitis B flare up. The chemo treatments were postponed until I fully recovered. So, I took a chemo break from November 21 - February 27. Looking back on things now, I kind of wish I didn't wait so long to restart chemo.
So, fast forward to today...where am I at now? I just recently had a mastectomy (June 29th to be exact) & was supposed to have a reconstruction done at the same time using my lattisimus muscle, but like I've said before, "life doesn't always go as you plan it," & instead the surgeons found a new tumor - this time in my armpit. They didn't remove it yet because they don't exactly know what they are dealing with & as I am told, there are "critical structures" in the armpit & if they remove too much I could lose the use of my arm. I just recently had a PET scan, results are on Monday & I have an MRI scheduled for the 22nd. The pathology results from the breast they removed came back showing that the breast still had some residual tumor in it. Which means to me that the chemo drugs didn't work & that we're dealing with a very aggressive kind of cancer. It's time to switch doctors!