Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Yesterday was the worst yet!  I spent almost an entire work day at the doctor's office - 9:30 to 4pm because I had been complaining of shortness of breath as well as not being able to eat anything.  I have no appetite, but I will eat if something is put in front of me.  For some reason, I had been having the feeling of fullness & was burping a lot.  They scheduled me for a CT scan to see if I had a blood clot in my lungs.  In order to do so, the tech needs to put an IV in so that they can put a contrast in your blood.  Little did I know that it would literally take them 3 times before I called it quits.  Not only was it painful, but they couldn't find the vein & when they found one, it wouldn't flush.  So, they sent me over to nuclear medicine for another type of scan.  It required an IV, but not as large & they were going to use my vein on my hand (which is the vein that everyone uses).  This time it took them 2 times to get the IV in & the first one hurt like a mother.  In fact it hurt so much, I think I heard him say that he "blew" the vein.  That's just great! Now, imagine, I had been at the doctor's office since 9:30 in the morning with only a granola bar in my stomach.  They are lucky that I wasn't starving, but I bet that's one of the reasons why my veins sucked that day.  I was dehydrated!  Hello!  Can anyone get me a drink? Anyway, the result from the test was negative - no blood clot!

So, I'm back at the hospital again today to do 2 things - a ultrasound on my arm & an echocardiogram.  They gave me some kind of results from the ultrasound, but I want to hear it from the doctor.  I think the tumor is pressing up on a vein.  I don't know what they do when that happens, but I'm sure I'll find out when I go to my follow up appointment.  I will publish the results then.

I just want to end with this.... Thank you God for my family!  Do you know that my grandma & grandpa live in town & they drove to Wahiawa to get me, take me to Queen's, & then take me back home.... and they will be back at 8:45 in the morning to do it all over again?!?  That's love. Thank you God for my family.  Don't worry, the rest of my family does amazing things for me as well.... it'll take too long to list them all.

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