Wednesday, August 5, 2009

There's a new "kid" in town...

We finally saw the new oncologist today!  It's been so long that I've seen a doctor, that I feel like I'm in "cancer limbo."  Let me tell you, "limbo" is not a fun place to be especially when it's something as life threatening as cancer.  Thank goodness that break is over & we are moving full steam ahead!  

Anyway, during my first visit the doc reviewed the PET scan, the CT scan, my options, & my pain.  We got a lot of our questions answered & it looks like tomorrow I start my first dose of Zometa.  Zometa will help with the metastasis to the bone. It's given to me by IV & I think it takes about 1 hour for all the meds to filter thru.  Side effects include flu like body aches, possible fever, dizziness, & drowsiness.  And it's given every 4 weeks.  Thank God it's not like chemo - I don't know if my veins could handle a poke every other week.  I'm also scheduled for a echocardiogram to check my heart & an appointment to see my liver doc to make sure that my liver is functioning properly - we want to make sure that I don't have another flare up with hepatitis b.

It does look like I will be traveling to the mainland to seek out new treatment, possibly clinical trials that are not offered in Hawaii.  It's going to suck being away from the ones that I love, especially my husband & daughter, but at least I know that when I come back, I'm coming back as a survivor.  I tried to explain this to my daughter & all I got was a sad face.  I know she understands me, but I also know that she doesn't understand the "depth" of my sickness.  I only want the best for her & I wish I could protect her from all of this.  I mean when she's older, I don't want her to look back & remember doctor appointments, chemo treatments, mommy feeling sick from the chemo, etc.  I want her memories to be of starting school, making new friends, learning the alphabet, counting to 20, etc.  Anyway, I am still unsure about this decision - do I take her with me or do I leave her here?  Anyone out there got any suggestions? I'm open to listening.

Oh, & before I forget...all of this took place on my husband's birthday.  Happy Birthday honey - I'm sorry you had to spend it in a doctor's office.  Ain't he the best?!


  1. I am glad to here there are options for you. I have babies myself but not in the situation you are in, you can fly her back and forth, meaning atleast she can see you and be with you to help you through this ordeal. Remember, babies have a brain like a sponge. I am sure your daughter will appreciate everything you are trying to do and also to let her know that it is all through LOVE and DETERMINATION!! Let's get a fundraiser going mama :)

  2. Traveling so far for treatment ... that is awful but getting the best treatment is so important.

    All the best to you.
