I was doing something the other day...I can't seem to think of what it is that I was exactly doing (thanks chemo brain) but, I just remember being full of anger & that's when I realized that I am still a little angry. I say a little because I can control & recognize it immediately. I know it's not healthy to be angry...trust me, I'm not letting the anger control me, but I still am.
My blood counts are still low. Tomorrow I go for a blood test, ct scan (yummy barium drink), & bone scan. Although I am not looking forward to drinking the barium, I am rather glad to be completing all my scans at one time. The blood test is to check my white cell count. If it's still low, the doctor will have me take a Neupogen shot. I'm hoping & praying that my counts are great...I don't want to have to take a break from chemo. If that happens, I'm asking the doctor to consult my doctor in Texas before any decision is made.
Anyway, will let you all know the outcome of my scans. Until then, thank you for reading & praying for me.
Wishing you all the best girl!