Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

For the past 9 years, I have worked on what the retail world calls "Black Friday."  I don't remember much except for all the chaos & crowds.  I don't know about you, but the simple thought of looking for parking makes me want to stay in bed all day & eat Thanksgiving leftovers. But, there are a lot of people out there looking for bargains.  And they are crazy enough to wake up at 3 in the morning to get a decent parking at the mall by 4:30 am because the mall opens at 5am.  That's power shopping to me...anyway, I think I am done with my Christmas shopping with only my immediate family to shop for.  Can you believe that I did the majority of my Christmas shopping online?  It was easy, quick, & painless.  And now, whenever I go to the mall, I don't have to think about gifts.  I can go shopping for ME!!!  I love shopping, especially when it's for me.  I know, I'm terrible, but at least I'm honest.  Thank God I don't have to work today!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I miss Texas....

Okay, so I miss Texas...weird!  I think I miss the shuttle & the ease of going to the doctor, I miss the "queen" treatment, I miss the doctor & her team,  & I miss the ono filipino food on the weekends at Aunty Sylvia's.  I don't miss being hospitalized, I don't miss missing my husband, & I don't miss the crazy drivers.  

I just recently had a"lightbulb" moment concerning my treatment & made an attempt to email the patient advocate at Queen's Medical Center.  I got the response I wanted & they promised that they will forward my email to the doctor, as well as partner with her to make sure my concerns are addressed & resolved.  Their only concern for me is that they hope I don't get treated differently by the doctor or her staff.  Gee, if that happens, the doc doesn't know who she's messing with & will be sorry.  My next appointment to see the doctor is on the 30th...I will let all of you know what happens, if anything.

My last treatment was on the 16th & usually for 10 days after that my taste buds disappear & I don't have much of an appetite.  I do eat though, but small portions & sometimes I skip a meal here & there.  It's hard to chew something that tastes like cardboard.  Also, my muscles ache, especially the ones in my legs, & my feet hurt.  My feet & hands are discolored, they're dry & sometimes they peel.  That's where "ped-egg" comes to the rescue.  If you haven't tried ped-egg yet, what are you waiting for, the thing works!  Anyway, I use cetaphil, bath & body sleep, or aloe vera lotion every night with socks to ease the dryness.

Anyway, my next treatment is on the 8th, & I've requested it to be at the Queen's Cancer Center rather than in her small, stuffy office.  Fingers crossed for a bigger, more private room & trained oncology nurses that don't make me bruise when drawing blood from my port.  Until then, thank you all for your kind words, prayers, & support. 

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home...

We are finally home!!!  We arrived to Honolulu on November 6 at about 10 pm.  We had a long flight with 2 layovers in between & I think altogether we spent an entire 15 hours traveling...but it didn’t really matter, as long as we were coming home.  I’d like to thank all of you for your continued support, prayers, & goodies we received while we were on our journey in Texas.

The doctors in Texas are wonderful & extraordinary!  I definitely will miss the “queen” treatment I received while there.  Until you go, you will never know just how many people around the world that are affected by this disease.  It is shocking, but somewhat comforting to know that I am not alone.  And thanks to Kanoe’s outgoing personality, we have met many people that have touched our lives.

Anyway, I receive my first chemo treatment in Hawaii on November 16 at my doctor’s office.  I am praying that everything goes as smoothly as it did in Texas.  My doctor is smart though, so I’m sure there is nothing to worry about.

Ten things that I learned from my trip:  1) just when you think your situation is bad, God introduces you to someone who’s situation is worse, 2) just when you think you can’t take it any more, God picks you up & moves you forward, 3) there IS power in prayer, 4) patience, 5) I AM a lot like my mother, 6) my daughter IS extremely creative, smart, & talented, 7) my husband DOES love me, 8) there is more to life than just work, 9) despite the baldness, I am still beautiful, & lastly...10) there are so many wonderful people in this world.

So, yes...we are finally home & I am finally “back!”  I feel really good, strong, confident, & full of life.  This cancer doesn’t know who he’s messing with, but I guarantee he will regret messing with me!  Thank you all again for your prayers & support.